Här hittat du de rekommendationer som mina tidigare kollegor och samarbetspartners gett mig på LinkedIn och i andra sammanhang. Då jag främst arbetat med engelska som koncernspråk är de flesta av dessa referenser på engelska. Önskar du att kontakta någon referens via telefon och mail? Hör av dig till mig, så får du kontaktuppgifter.
Inför digitaliseringen och utvecklingen av BTJ:s systemmiljö intervjuade jag mer än 15 projektledare med olika profiler. De flesta hade jobbat i bottenlösa projekt på Region Skåne eller IKEA som aldrig blir färdiga. Jag hade i princip gett upp när jag på slumpmässig väg kom i kontakt med Tina. Det kändes hundra procent rätt i magen från början och jag inser i efterhand att alla implementationer som vi gjorde på ett års tid hade varit helt omöjliga att få på plats utan Tina. Hon är såklart strukturerad, pådrivande och kan organisera upp ett projekt – men det finns många andra projektledare som kan det. Det som gör Tina unik är att hon inte släpper blicken från målet en sekund och så fort någon eller något börjar röra sig åt ett annat håll är hon där och styr upp det. Tina är så nära man kan komma en garanti för ett lyckat projekt och det finns ingen från mitt 20-åriga arbetsliv som jag kan rekommendera mer än henne.
Stefan Mårtensson, CFO, BTJ.
Tina är fruktansvärt bra som projektledare för IT-projekt! För första gången har vi haft ett projekt som genomfördes i rätt tid, inom budget och med full funktionalitet. Kompetent i systemframtagning, skicklig och entusiasmerande ledare i projektteamet, tydlig som kontraktspartsombud och pedagogisk mot oss i styrgrupp samt våra många användare har hon lotsat vårt nya säljstödsprojekt under 12 intensiva månader. Genom sin stora erfarenhet av både försäljningsprocesser och olika CRM-system har hon kunnat vara proaktiv och vi har undvikit många problem på vägen genom att tidigt identifiera svårigheter och därför kunnat agera i förväg. Att få något så svårt att se så lätt ut är få förunnat. Jag ger henne de allra, allra varmaste och starkaste rekommendationer! Tack Tina för ditt hårda jobb!!!
Johan Sahlberg, Verksamhetsutvecklingschef – Hus, Skanska
With competence, determination and warmth Tina guided the BoKlok organisation through two complex and business-critical processes. The two projects – implementation of CRM MD365 for BoKlok and Skanska Residential Development in Sweden, and a new BoKlok web for four countries – ran in parallel with very ambitious time plans. The projects included hundreds of stakeholders in several countries, and a number of different agencies. Now, less than a year later, both are delivered on time, on budget, with high quality and with strengthened spirit and relationships. I can strongly recommend to bring in an external project leader for these kind of assignments, and if you have the chance to work with Tina – do it!
Charlotta Herte, SVP Market & Communications, BoKlok
Tina was the main project manager for a major business system implementation and roll-out project at BTJ. The project was complex including internal resources as well as two different suppliers and SaaS solution providers. She estabilshed the project structure with particpants, the time plans and followed-up the continuous progress towards completion. Project resulted in a successful establishment of the project objectives and an updated system landscape for the company. Tina’s energy, her business knowledge and her ambition to continuously learn and drive project objectives are some of the areas where she excels. She is organized, has a great ability to adapt to her surroundings and a very friendly approach. I give her my warmest recommendations!
Georgios Persson, IT och Digitaliseringschef, BTJ
Tina har i gemensamt projekt varit en solklar projekt- och förändringsledare som genom att ständigt balansera behov, verksamhetsmål och människorna bakom allt detta navigerat oss leverantörer, kundens beslutsfattare och anställda till ett lyckosamt resultat. Tina är både empatisk och pragmatisk och får rätt saker gjorda genom att engagera och motivera personer runtomkring sig. Det är en en riktigt fin egenskap.
Martin Kaldma, Sälj- och marknadschef, Exsitec
Jag har haft förmånen att arbeta med Tina Jensen i projektet Proxima och kan varmt rekommendera henne som projektledare. Tina är en exceptionell professionell som kombinerar noggrannhet, resultatdrivenhet, lyhördhet och professionalism på ett enastående sätt. Hennes tekniska förståelse är imponerande, och hon har en unik förmåga att sprida positiv energi i alla sammanhang.
Adam Allgurin, Business Central developer, Two
Jag hade förmånen att jobba med Tina i projektet Proxima på BTJ och kan varmt rekommendera henne som projektledare. Jag har bara positiva saker att säga om Tinas arbete – hon är organiserad, motiverande och en god problemlösare – men framförallt är hon fenomenal på att se till att arbetet blir gjort och att projektet kommer framåt. Tina är rätt person om ni vill genomföra ett projekt som både får ett gott resultat och en nöjd projektgrupp!
Elin Lenntoft, Team Lead & Integration Consultant, Exsitec
Jag fick nöjet att jobba tillsammans med Tina i Projekt Proxima på BTJ, där vi moderniserade 30-år av IT i ett svep. Som alla stora IT-projekt så finns det både förutsägbara och oförutsägbara utmaningar. Tina har en fantastisk förmåga att hantera både utmaningarna, och de mer lösningsorienterade tiderna: Prioritera – Tina kan snabbt sålla bort onödiga diskussioner, prioritera det viktiga, och kreativt komma med idéer för att komma med vidare. Organisera – Tina missar inga detaljer. Hon fångar upp behov, bokar möten, checkar av, håller koll. I ett årslångt projekt är detta ingen liten uppgift. Motivera – Riktigt lyckade projekt kan bara uppnås om man jobbar tillsammans. Tina motiverar alla parter att göra sitt bästa, och framförallt få deltagare att känna sig stolta vid framgångar. Man blir bara glad av att jobba med Tina!
Erik Ståhl, Konsultchef, Exsitec
It has been a great pleasure working close with Tina during the implementation of CRM system at Skanska. Tina has been excellent as project manager for the whole team, always professional, enthusiastic and solving all kinds of problems along the way. She is a great team-player with brilliant communication skills. She can navigate between complex technical details as well as high level stakeholder management issues, always with the mindset ’bringing the project forward’. I can strongly recommend Tina as a Project Manager.
Gabriella Rosén, Project Manager, Skanska
You simply can’t find a better project leader. I have already had the pleasure to work with Tina two times during my time in BoKlok. First, launching a new web for four different countries earlier last autumn, and now implementation of CRM MD365 for BoKlok Norway. Wow! Working so close with you have taught me a lot. All these documents and loose ends, you got everything covered. A funny thing, before this last project began; I said to my Country Manager – I am happy to work with the crm-project, but only if Tina can be the project leader. That’s how good you are! It has been a pleasure and I hope we meet again. Best regards your number one fan.
Ida Mathisen, Market Adviser, BoKlok Norway
Tina is wonderful to work with, and she has exceptional expertise in marketing automation, CRM and project management. She consistently demonstrated a great work ethic in several joint Go-To-Market projects plus a dedication for success. Tina is focused, self-motivated, methodical and very capable. She is trustful, forward-thinking and an inspiring team player. Not without reason did we call her Project Success Manager. Glad to work with her again anytime soon.
Markus Roithmeier, Partner/Co-Funder, Zobito
Solution-oriented, effective and always with a smile. To always know how things are going in the right direction with clear goals and well planned actions, Tina is a master of project management which gives you as a customer a great relief. Tina is always one step ahead, with insights and planning for all risks, possibilities and challenges. In short- A colleague who handle even the most challenging situations with simplicity and communicates this to her team. Working with Tina Jensen on our largest event production have resulted in both a great time of collaboration, successful results and enjoying everyday work. I leave my sincere recommendations for Tina and hope to work with her again soon.
Susanna Mårtensson, Event Marketing Manager, inRiver
I can recommend Tina as a person with great proficiency and deep experience of solutions. Customer focused and honest team player with excellent communication skills. If you ever need someone to deliver under pressure, no slip-ups, just results, Tina is your go-to person!
Damir Miljic, CEO & Partner, Techdio A/S
Before working with Tina, we already had tried two other project managers to run this multi-country IT project. Fortunately for us and the company, we then started working with Tina and it was a pleasure. She managed to get all her ducks in a row, navigated the internal politics, and different interests without losing focus and while still keeping the work fun for all. I highly recommend her and would always love to work with her on another project again.
Katrin Wedekind, Consultant, ADvendio
I had a pleasure to work with Tina while she worked as a Project Manager – Marketing Systems with Aller Media Ab and we as a marketing automation partner for Aller. I enjoyed working together with Tina, who had a great vision where they (Aller) wanted marketing automation to take them and skills to do that. Within one year Aller media performed impressively in terms of digitalization It stepped up from eighth place to fourth in the media industry and is the only company to improve its overall score. Tina can be a very demanding co-operation partner but she is also creative and most of all knowing what should be done next. I admire your ability to combine creative and strategic mind with IT knowledge. The “demanding Tina and lets have fun attitude” was an excellent combination in our projects. Stroke of luck! Keep your attitude!
Päivi Silventoinen, Marketing Manager & Head of Marketing Automation BU, Fenix Solutions Oy
I had the pleasure to work with Tina while she was responsible for the CRM Marketing activities at Aller and I lead the IT team responsible for CRM Service Delivery. Tina came into a complex setup where we were in the middle of implementing a new MS Dynamics CRM and ClickDimensions system and she not only learned the details fast but was able to contribute with her deep knowledge of CRM and marketing during and after the project. In this position, Tina’s best quality was her combination of business processes and IT understanding. She also has very good skills leading people and developing processes for successful operations. All this made her a key person in our organization and we are sad to see her leave… though we wish her the best and we are sure she will be a big asset to any organization she works with. Highly recommended!
Gilda Jantunen, IT Service Delivery Manager, Aller Media Oy
Jag kom i kontakt med Tina för ett drygt år sedan när hon kom till Aller Media för att implementera deras nya CRM och Marketing automation där vi på LINK Mobility skulle vara en del med våra tjänster för SMS. Tina har under projektet visat en enorm kompetens, handlingskraft och struktur. Det har självklart hjälpt att Tina dessutom ALLTID bidrar med glädje, humor och nyfikenhet vilket jag verkligen uppskattat. Jag hoppas verkligen att vi får jobba ihop snart igen!
Richard Brandt, Sales and Marketing Director, LINK Mobility AB
I have had the pleasure of working with Tina during her time in Aller, and I believe that she has hit the sweet spot between the Marketing and IT departments, working as a catalyst and project manager making sure that things are delivered in the way they were intended. Tina is down to earth, goal oriented and positive. She is the type of person you want in or managing your project to make sure it’s successful, if she is on the job you know it will be delivered and with quality.
Magnus Westmar, Business Relationship Manager – Marketing & Sales at Aller Media AB
Jag jobbade med Tina på Aller Media och fick där se henne i action vid införandet av ett nytt Crm-system. Jag, då med ansvar för att föda CRM systemet med KPI data från vårt datalager, fick alltid snabb hjälp och svar på mina frågor om integrationen in till CRM. Engagemang, målmedvetenhet och glädje i det arbete Tina tar sig an är utmärkande för henne. Jag upplever att Tina är en extraordinär möjliggörare för de organisationer som vill vara med i framkanten och konkurrera. Vill ni vara med i framkanten så tveka inte, prata med Tina!
Rikard Ahlandsberg, Senior Business Solution Specialist på HemoCue AB
I worked with Tina during my time at Aller Media when implementing Dynamics CRM with the market automation tool Click Dimension. I was project manager from IT side and Tina from business side. We worked really hard and it was a real pleasure working with Tina. She was a great ambassador for the new platform with both knowledge of the business process flow and also knowledge in a more technical perspective. She became the bridge between IT and business. During our go live weeks she invented the term ”war week”. In this work Tina managed to get us all working hard for the go live with both the structural method of doing it, and also with the really good mood that made all of us do that little extra. Tina is a real goal driven project manager and also a team player, she is very ambitious which gives motivation to people around her and brings the best out of other employees. She likes to share her competence and is very good at doing presentation. All my best recommendations to Tina.
Annika Runsten, ERP Project Manager, SWEP
I have had the pleasure of working with Tina on a project within Securitas. As a coordinator of the project I relied on Tine managing her area of the project to perfection. Tina performed even better than that! Not only did she move the project forward in the right direction and at the right pace (not too fast – not too slow) but she also did this creating a very positive atmosphere and team spirit. I would very much recommend Tina for a future position within marketing management and I would be happy to meet Tina as a colleague in the future.
Göran Lindh, Project Manager, Securitas
I had the pleasure of working with Tina in a project for six months. She is skilled and gets things done in her work! In addition to her professional attitude, she is energetic and always with a smile on her face! She would be welcome back as a colleague of mine any day!
Mattias Nilsson, Verksamhetsutvecklare, Securitas Sverige AB
It has been a true pleasure working together with Tina on a project. Tina is efficient, nice and reliable. Would love to work together with Tina in the future.
Britt Lindqvist, Brand Manager, Securitas Sverige AB
I have had the pleasure to work with Tina since 2010. Tina managed to restructure and improve our Marketing Actions in a very impressive way. Already after a short time of employment we saw a massive impact on our Marketing investments. Tina is a very reliable person who always delivers. She has perfect control of the Marketing Budget and as CFO I can always rely on her Budget input and cost estimates. Tina has a broad Marketing experience and handles various tasks with the same engagement. Her technical skills are exemplary. Tina is a natural choice of leader in any marketing or structural project, when good organization and execution is desired. I would gladly recommend Tina for employment.
Charlotte Widstrand, Financial Manager, Tradebanco AB
Tina is a “marketing machine” who brings a pragmatic and execution based approach to lead generation and opportunity creation. Tina excels at communicating with the field, organisation and planning underpin her success.
David Murphy, Sales Professional
When joining Apptus, Tina made a tremendous difference from day one. Her experience, organized approach and broad smile delivered immediate and measurable results in lead generation and marketing communications. Working with Tina was a real pleasure.
William Cobert, Consultant, Upata Consult
Tina makes it happen. Besides being a joy to work with, Tina is a take-charge person who is able to drive brand awareness with marketing & PR. She is a no nonsense type of person who achieves results. Always on the ball she takes a natural leadership role in meetings. She is a great team player and makes a great asset to any organization. She is very focused and easy to work with. I would highly recommend Tina for any employment.
Marie Angselius, Partner, Angselius Rönn AB
Tina was an invaluable help to me during my time in Apptus. She is extremely good at building and driving marketing plans, and is knowledgeable and experienced, especially in the areas of field marketing and lead generation. Tina manages to get things done, to not take no for an answer and to still have fun and build relationships at the same time. I would definitely recommend her.
David Davies, Managing Director, Checkit
Tina Jensen is very structured, goal oriented and service minded. I have had the pleasure to work with Tina both as colleagues and when Tina left the company, as an external provider in various projects. Tina is a person who takes responsibility, she is very committed and always delivers top quality. Tina has the ability to see what needs to be done and make it happen.
Carina Nyman, Director Corporate Events, Qlik
I am happy to recommend Tina Jensen. I had the opportunity to work with Tina on several event marketing projects. Tina served as the overall project manager. Tina is a remarkable professional; she is well organized, detail oriented and focused. She has the unique ability to motivate her colleagues and works well with all levels within an organization. I highly recommend Tina Jensen.
Judy Geriot, President, Corporate Dimensions LTD
Tina is a hard working and very dedicated person who never misses a deadline. She delivers high quality work and she is excellent in a project manager role.
Magnus Lindhe, Partner/Co-funder, Zobito AB (former VP Managing Director, QlikTech Nordic)
Tina is a very loyal and hard working person that takes pride in delivering a great end result. Tina interacts and communicates very well with all parts of the organisation. This has been essential in her Global role with many dependent parties.
Lars Björk, CEO, Qlik
I have had the opportunity to work with Tina during 6 years. Lately we were in the same project team implementing Salesforce as the CRM solution for QlikTech. I have always enjoyed working with Tina. She is one of the rare colleagues who get things done. She is very disciplined and thorough. If you ask Tina to do something, it will get done. She has always a happy smile and there have been very stressing moment during our joint work life, but the smile has not been far away. During the years with QlikTech Tina has gained an impressing knowledge regarding Marketing processes. This includes anything from handling a Web to Lead process down to how to validate and score a Lead according to the company set of rules. But as this was not enough, she is a skilled event manager and has run a lot of internal and external event during her years with us at QlikTech.
Jimmie Gull, VP Product Operations, Qlik
I had the pleasure to work with Tina over the last few years, she is a person who is driven, with exceptional attention to details. Her project management approach towards a goal, give her a competitive winning edge above and beyond, best of all she leverages people by rallying them together to deliver results. Tina is the type of person who does not lose sight of the goal, while working on the details.
Ivan Gomez, Inside Sales
I have been working with Tina on a number of projects at QlikTech and her great understanding for marketing processes has always been very beneficial. Tina is a driven but also a well organized person. She has an eye for spotting the business process issue and consistently comes up with great solutions to address the issue. On top of this Tina has a great personality and working with her is always a pleasure. I can highly recommend Tina for any similar position.
Per Hansson, Senior Director Business Services, Qlik
Tina has managed marketing process at QlikTech during the whole of my time here and has done so with dedication, creativity and tenacity, driving the business into ways of working whereby we are able to monitor and measure marketing effectiveness. She is always thoroughly professional and an utter joy to work with.
Mark Child, Principal, CIOaaS (former VP Information Systems, QlikTech International AB)
She succeeded to the extent that some of our campaigns generated results that were unheard of, between 40-50% hit rate based on generated leads in the target group. She then helped bring her expertise to our partners and our marketing organizations throughout the world, as well as leading key projects like CRM implementation.
Måns Hultman, Partner/Co-funder, Zobito AB (former CEO and Chairman of the Board, QlikTech International AB)
Nothing that Tina ever does is “easy” – organizing a large event, or gaining consensus on a global process is tough work – but she always approaches everything and everybody with an infectious smile and enthusiasm that makes working with her a joy.
Anthony Deighton, Senior Vice President of Products, Qlik